Monday, June 21, 2010

I'm now in California

Following our recent "tradition", I drove out to Carlsbad, CA last week. I spent a few days in Tucson with our very good friends, Ray and Julie Woosley. I got out to Carlsbad on Wednesday and have been having dinner with Craig, Kathie, Christopher and Gavin. Father's day was last Sunday and both Lorrie and Craig were generous with thoughtful gifts for the old man. I have been spending my time at the condo trying to get it in shape--a little like Sally would have done but not really. She always got a lot of new plants to make the place look terrific. I do not have her innate ability to decorate--plus I am red/green color blind--so I am trying my best but you know.....

This week would have been our 49th anniversary and Kathie is already planning a party to get me through it. Kathie and Craig, and Lorrie and John have just been the best!!!

Bless all of you for your support and the many donations to various charities--especially Heifer--in Sally's name. I'm sure she is pleased.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're still writing, Dad! I'm also glad Kathie and Craig have something planned for the 25th. Another hard "first thing" to get through. Annie and I will be cheering you on from Texas. All is well here, just hot...and buggy.
