Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Throughout this illness we have been hit with multiple surprises, most of them bad. First the discovery of the cancer 2 weeks after a normal mammogram and no breast mass. Second, the finding of the cancer in both breasts and all lymph nodes on left. Third, the discovery that it was stage IV when first diagnosed because it had metastasized to the bones. Finally the evidence that it has spread to the stomach and has replaced much of the bone marrow.

Today we had a good surprise. One week after the first dose of chemotherapy, Sally's platelets that had been around 50,ooo are now 98,000. This may indicate that the Taxotere is working to regress the tumor becasue it seems that the bone marrow is being unloaded of some of the tumor burden and allowing the platelets to be formed. The white blood cell count is reduced (3,500) as is to be expected after the Taxotere. This bit of good news is welcome and give us impetus to "stay the course". In one week the labs will be performed again to follow this progress. Stay tuned...

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