Thursday, April 1, 2010

Reallly Good News!!

We just got back from seeing Dr. Conlon. First, the CT scan did not show any tumor in the liver (he was worried that it might) or in other abdominal organs. The chest is clear. The pelvis is clear. The CT did confirm multiple metastases to bone--as before. The blood counts are all normal and the hemoglobin is 10.6. There are some mild abnormalities of liver function that have been present previously, but not terribly elevated.

So, his conclusion is that she has had a significant response to the Taxotere over 6 cycles of chemotherapy, and that it is now time to stop it and watch. She will remain on the Aromasin (the hormonal therapy). He wants to see Sally in one month.

We had not quite expected this and we are both excited by the news. We are, of course, hoping that there will be a durable remission and the the tumor in the bone will be held in check with the Aromasin. Sally is ecstatic as you can imagine.

We will be going to Lorrie's for Easter dinner and celebration.


  1. Glad for you... but you did not mention whether she is also on Zometa for the bone mets. If she has breast cancer metastases to bone, then the established "standard of care" is that she should also be on Zometa, IN ADDITION to whichever other anti-cancer drug (which in this case is Aromasin.) I know this because my Mom is a breast cancer patient with metastases to bone, and I have heard this from top oncologists at top cancer centers, and I have also read it from multiple reputable sources. So just in case no one has informed you about this yet, you should talk to her oncologist about adding Zometa -- especially because the latest research is showing that Zometa not only helps to control the bone mets, but the data now indicates that bisphosphonates (like Zometa) also help to inhibit spread of the cancer to other parts of the body too. NO, I do NOT work for any pharmaceutical company (far from it -- I don't trust pharma companies). I am just a daughter of a patient, who can empathize with the roller coaster ride you have been on. You wrote, "We are, of course, hoping that there will be a durable remission and the the tumor in the bone will be held in check with the Aromasin." Aromasin can be a very effective drug, BUT Aromasin is not what holds cancer in the bones in check -- that is supposed to be Zometa. Aromasin helps to prevent spread to other areas like the liver, etc., but if it has already spread to the bone, then the patient is supposed to be put on Zometa. As soon as my Mom's CT revealed metastasis to her rib, presto they started her on Zometa once a month. She has been on it for over a year and it HAS worked to hold the bone mets in check. And little or no side effects. I'm sure you want your good news to continue, so if the bone metastases are from breast cancer, then she should also be be receiving Zometa (or a similar drug), according to the top breast cancer experts. Perhaps your doctor is intending to tell you this at the next appt, but if he does not bring it up, then you should ask him about Zometa for the bone mets. Best wishes!

  2. Just got on here to check in and wish you all a good Easter...and I was thrilled to read this last post! What a wonderful Easter gift.

    Have fun with Lorrie, John and the boys!

    Happy Easter from the Zientys!

  3. I am so happy to read this! This is the best news!! Hope your Easter celebration was wonderful.

  4. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! I am overjoyed to read your good news. Hugs to you both!
