We got Back from Florida and working on the Condo a couple of weeks ago. It is two bedrooms and two baths. The pictures I took of the place are here. It is on the rental program as of Feb 1 and it has already been rented for the month of February and March rentals are coming in. This condo is in the Sally G. Nies Family Trust and I think she would like it. You can see how Lorrie and Kathie furnished and decorated the place. We're hoping that this will rent well and the property will appreciate since the selling prices are now quite low. The rental agent is here. The unit is 2108 Treasure Island and you can look it up. Rates are very variable depending on time of year.
Since being back, I am still trying to get the Sugar Land condo more organized. Anytime you move it is a slow process to get stuff put where you want it and so you can find it. Val is helping me in this process.
Just had a colonoscopy for the first time in 10 years. From what I have heard, it was ok. No polyps but some divirticuli that are present in most people of a certain age. So that means I can wait 10 years again for another one of these. Most of you have had this done so you know the drill with the prep being the worst part of the procedure. At least no one can say I'm full of it (at least this weekend).
Unfortunately my back is still giving me problems. I want to go skiing this winter and may give it a try, but will probably not do much. I usually go with Craig's family to Winter Park. This year Christopher's spring break isn't until April. So it will be spring skiing, which isn't my favorite. It's possible I may go up earlier with Val, but we haven't yet decided.
I'm amused by the Republican presidential primaries and debates. The republicans claim to have a big tent for all types of people, but it seems that this year it is a circus tent with a variety of clowns. Why are people surprised at Mitt Romney's tax rate? That is the whole point of the Bush tax breaks to make the wealthy people wealthier. It seems to me that Obama is very vulnerable to being defeated this year because of the economy and perhaps other things that people are upset about. But it looks like the Republicans may self destruct--a process usually reserved for the Democrats.
Enough of that.