We went to the oncologist to have the blood checked today. The platelet count is up to 198,000 which is normal! The white blood cell count is 7500, also normal. The hemoglobin is 10.1 which is low but not much different than before. So it looks like the bone marrow has begun working better. Sally continues to be feeling pretty well without nausea. Her weight is stable at about 120. However, she is beginning to lose her hair. This was expected and she will go with Lorrie tomorrow to a wig store here to see if they can fashion something she would like. She remains on the Aromasin, the acid reducer (currently Nexium), and has cut back on the Zofran to one or less per day. Tomorrow she is also going to the dentist. Getting out of the house is a big step forward.
Next Wednesday is the next blast of chemotherapy. This will be done in the doctor's office and it will be interesting to see how she tolerates this dose. Since she tolerated the first dose well, we think it is likely that this one will also be tolerated well.
Thanks for all your comments, cards, and emails. Sally has seen them all and we both appreciate the support and love that you are sending to this remarkable lady.